"Motivation is the catalyzing ingredient
For every successful innovation."
Clayton Christensen
Key factors in the growth of Manufacturing Industry are the growing MVA per capita, MVA as percentage of GDP, share in total manufacturing employment, the emergence of new firms, products and market penetration, rising sales and revenues or business profitability, expansion in exports, increase in labour and employment and the acquisition of new product technologies.
Market Scope
Key factors in the growth of Manufacturing Industry are the growing MVA per capita, MVA as percentage of GDP, share in total manufacturing employment, the emergence of new firms, products and market penetration, rising sales and revenues or business profitability, expansion in exports, increase in labor and employment and the acquisition of new product technologies.
Strategic Location
Tanzania is accessible through the Indian Ocean, which gives it trade links to Asia and sits in between 6 landlocked countries; (Democratic Republic of Congo (“DRC”), Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Zambia and Malawi) that rely on Tanzania as the most efficient point for passage of goods.
The country has 3 deep-water ports (Dar es Salaam, Tanga and Mtwara) that service these neighbouring countries. Furthermore, Tanzania is a natural and effective transportation gateway into Eastern, Southern and Central Africa due to its membership in the SADC Free Trade Area and EAC Common Market as well as its rail and road networks.
Political Stability
Tanzania is one of the most peaceful and politically stable countries in Africa. Since its independence in 1961, the country has never experienced a civil war or any major internal strife.
Tanzanians continue to live in peace and with a sense of a common national identity without ethnic division. Since independence in 1961 under the leadership of the father of the nation, the late Julius Kambarage Nyerere, Tanzania has witnessed five transfers of leadership through free and fair elections. Since 1992, Presidential terms are limited to two terms (each term of 5 years).